DIARY of MR HUDSON journal of KATY PERRY'S HUSBAND: THE ILLUMINATI GODFATHER : VIBRATION of the FIFTH DIMENSION⎪Pure Light Love E...: KATYCAT HUDSON FOUNDATION GB 1) Is KATY perry tanking her career? Here in the ‘serious’ music press where you may come across ...
SO here I AM Katycat Hudson's soul mate 11:11 Twin
Twin Towers) Flame and poor bloody shocked husband behind our joint G+ account
studying my wifelets last released studio album written for 2 steve strange
weirdos from Hollyweird mind control CIA backed MKUltra programmers @Jaty (John
Mayer) recently starring in a #warning video for up and coming stars in
Hollywood to avoid at all costs associating with him a sex addicted sex pest
#fakes where the II#SS #SUICIDESONGWORDS are stored
via Blog this @KatyIsMyHeartbeat
and I am like a 'dildo waxy wavy candle in the wind' snuffed out by sexual
aphixiation #OD #GORGEOUSENDGAME the fruitless search for the @katyperrylove
that we lost in space when I took my Wadjet Eye off the Ball and inspired an
Album of the most underrated sexy naked stripjoint of
love songs ever sung in a #WITNESS #sexkittenprogram 59 MINUTE ROCK N
ROLLERCOASTER Bipolar Affective Disorder Spectrum mal-functioning extravaganza
to equal the Teenage Wet Dream that @KatyIsBubbadoosBabySexToy thingee 'pounds
thru my head like a katy perry gag'
and @orlandobloom her latest mind controller/handler that have conned
their way into my wife you see abused her and unlocked the keys to her program
which was beta programmed sex-kitten with a rabbit hole (forced dp and gang
anal sex pain, push, pull, pressure lots of pleasure and a whole lot of
degrading sexual abuse behind my back) Katy has then been switched to Alice in
Wonderland, disassociated from reality, dreamworld like Disneyland 'chained to
the rythmn' but permanently spaced outta her v tiny mind. So @katyperrystits 1,
2, 3, 4 what are we fighting for? I don’t know, I don't give a damn cause
@katyperrywitness tour is going off to Vietnam where well known @pedophile
Orlando Bloom will fill his boots and Katy has sacrificed her future with her
husband me cause rather than say 'there there dear dear' let me sort your newly
found problems with my Jack Boots on, cam suit and Magnum hand pistol and
offensive grenade launcher where’s your address book? All I can say is that
'you are never mind controlled into anything you don't want to do as you have
to be a willing subject’ to break your evolving DNA program to do only good. As
I know this old cow she sold her soul to the devil then as an occult black
magic witch with psychopathic tendencies to actually enjoy hurting me her
husband using her sex-industrial complex to be a willing adulteress who has
paid broke Kabloom £25million for his first years master control as it can't be
for analsexy servicing as Blooms cock will get lost in fat old whore and filthy
slut Katy Perry's asshole and pussy as it is so damn small and Katy is more
used to blackmens monster cocks two or three at a time up her holes. #shittyshittygangbang: (fuckin hell, m8 when does
your one
way ticket outta there start?) #ChittyChittyGangBang:ASS swoon asset Killa
Queen Swift 13 going on 33 they, they, they #SwiftSwiftBitch finishes her
@NY_Rumary @DipOxon @djdivinestlove @God2Taylor 's II#SS Member the Grande
Master of the Alison in Wonderland #QQ 'cuties' (QueensQuartet #Beasties lurve
@johnrumary https://www.facebook.com/@JESUSCHRISTofPALESTINE
and have set up a 'welcome
home' live concert for him to celibate leaving his @Katycat and giving the
@QueenTaylorAlisonSwifty an +1 G+1 2paris.match Vs she is receiving such a huge
standing ovation everytime she finishes her set she has to 'begin again' as I
locked her into a never ending Zarathusa's stairway to heaven she sings #22
'its my favorite song, I put it on repeat, and IAM dancing round the bedshit
myself like a 'WASTED ZOMBIE' and @katycathudson flew thru the window brushed
my back with her wings and 'lets take a chance' snooping around for my 'dirty
doggie' who was dressing up for me tonight as my last 925 was 12/13/1989 'we
are gonna party like its 1989' In the purple rain cause tonight folks any old
baggage of a Queen's Ransom is up4smashngrab as the Prince of Punt is having
his #BB Blossom Blooming again in a heady purple haze of 44degrees in the
@IShadeKaty jesusloveskatycathudson@gmail.com where
the Almighty JesusMessiahCaesar@hotmail.com jesuskatyperry@gmail.com katyismybaby666@gmail.com jesustaylorswift@gmail.com "Katy and Orlando enjoy traveling
together, so whenever they have an opportunity they try to make it work,"
a source tells E! News exclusively. "All of Katy's friends and family like
Orlando, so bringing him away with her is always a great time."